Wednesday, November 17, 2010

NEW YORK in March 2011

I was conferred with my BA (Hons) in Fine Art Media on November 1 2010, and they very generously gave me a prize as NCAD Student of the Year. As my husband (and I) had been praying hard for a miracle to happen so that I could accompany the college trip to New York, this was a clear answer. So I've booked my ticket, and am looking forward to starting my research by going to the library where Gerard Byrne read the Interview Magazine that inspired his piece.

I also plan to contact the Salvation Army in New York as they are internationally known for their ability to find missing people. Perhaps they may be able to give me and idea of how to start my search.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Preparatory ideas

The ZAN people - Did they know?
In 2007 I invigilated in the Irish Pavilion at the Venice Biennale where work by Gerard Byrne was on display.
One of his pieces was called *ZAN-*T185 r.1: (Interview) v.1, no. 4 - v.2, no. 6 ... no. 21 - v.3, no. 9. (2007). In this piece Gerard creates a scenario using words from Interview Magazine.
girl sitting on table with one leg at right angles to her hip
Image from this website
I was intrigued to know whether the original speakers of the words knew that they were having their moment of fame before much of the world of art. When I posed this question to Gerard his reply was that he had no idea whether they did or not.

So what I plan to do in this piece is to find out whether they did or not, and if they are willing to video their comments.

Can it be done NOW?
Not really, unless I win the lottery, it will take me time to get funding to go to the States, or to contact the people in question, or their relatives if they are deceased, as at least one person is.

TASKS to be done SOONER rather than later
  • Preliminary RESEARCH
I have already begun this online. I have also been in touch with Gerard Byrne, and he has lent me items which will be very helpful to me.
  • Has this kind of thing been done before?
  • Who has done something like this?
  • Locate examples/images of similary work
  • Write up research
  • Write a PROPOSAL description
  • Apply for funding if required
  • Plan some kind of TIMEFRAME
  • Identify MATERIALS and EQUIPMENT needed
more detailed planning - not to be done yet
Plan some kind of TIMEFRAME
How long might it take to get funding
How long might preparations take
Identify MATERIALS and EQUIPMENT needed
Apply for FUNDING if required

Can be done within next SIX WEEKS, but can't be done immediately

Can be done within next THREE OR FOUR MONTHS, but can't be done within next six weeks
Has to wait more LONG TERM - no definite date.
Organize VENUE
Contact participants
Information session

Packing up
Cleaning up
Paying up
Thanks notes
De-brief session